Saturday 9 April 2011


Yuktham = propriety ,yukthangaa = properly
Yukthi = an argument ,a reason , a plea
Yugam = a period ,of which the hindoos reckon four ..viz krutha yugam , thretha yugam , dwapara yugam ,kali yugam ..they are not all of the same number of years ,but the present ,the kali yugam ,consists of four hundred and thirty two thousand years .
Yudham = battle ,contest ,engagement of troops ,war..
Yekkada = where yekkadiki = where to
yekkadam = to mount , to get in to ,to ride , to climb...,mathu yekkadam = to get intoxicated
yekkili ,yekkillu = the hiccough
Yekkuva = more ,above measure ,superior
Yegathaalee = ridicule ,mockery
Yega thiyyadam = to draw up or raise ..,batta yegathiyyadam = to lift up one's cloth ..,dhara yega thiyyadam = to raise the price
Yegaradam = to fly
Yeguraveyadam = to throw into the air
Yeggu = disgrace , blame ,reflection..
Yegumathi = exportation , shipment ..,yegumathi cheyadam = to export ,to ship ..,yegumathi digumathi = export and import
Yetu = which way ..,yetuvanti = what like...,yetuvantidi = what sort ofa thing
Yedama = the left..,yedama vaipu = the left side..

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