Wednesday 20 April 2011


Samshayam = suspicion
Samskrutham = the sanskrit language.
Samsaaram = a family
Samsaari = a family man ,woman..
Sardadam = to arrange ,to assort ,to place together
Sarnjaamaa = articles of provision or other requisites ,either for troops or travellers ,prepared at particular stages ..,sarnjaamu cheyyadam = to prpare articles of provision..
Sarambee = a ceiling or inner roof..
Sarkaaru = the governament of the country..
Sarvam = all ,everything ..,sarvakarmalu = all activities .,sarvulu = all people
Sarraafu , a shroff = a teller of money..the shroffs manage all the money concerns and exchange of the bazaar ,the same as the shahukaars do ,of the countries in which they reside..
Sari = sufficiency ,enough ..,saripadadam = to fill ,to complete ..,sari besilu = even and odd or odd and even ..,sari puchchadam = to finish sari cheyyadam = make adjustments ..,and also to dress the threads before weaving ...,sari choodadam = to examine..,to tally..
Sarigaa = properly ,rightly ,correctly
Sarihaddu = a boundary , border
Saruku = articles ,goods , merchandise ,,thogaru saruku = chay goods
Saresu = glue..,saresu pettadam = to glue..
Salahaa = advice ,counsel , peace ,contentment ,rest
Salaam = a talus or great ,wish ..
Swachchandangaa = volunterily..,swachchanda sevakudu = volunteer ..,swachchanda samstha = a charitable organisation..,swachchanda padavee viramana = voluntary retirement..
Swantham ,sontham ,sweeyam ,khaasaa = own ,private property

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