Saturday 9 April 2011


Raatnam = the name of the wheel ,on which the women in india wind thread ..,raatnam vadakadam = to turn the wheel..,rangula raatnam = the name of a frame ,in which a sort of wheel is moved round ,at certain intervals of the extreme circleof which are fixed cradles or trays ,in which common persons take a seat and get turned round..,paththi raatnam = the name of a wheel by which the cotton taken from the field is twisted round and cleaned of the husk..
Raathri = the night..,raathri vela = night time ..,rendu jaamula raathri ,artha raathri = mid-night ..,raathrimbagallu = night and day or day and night..
Raabattukovadam = to recover ,to regain
Raayadam = to rub, to wipe ,to scour,.
Raayabaari = ambassador
raayi = a stone ..,kempu raayi = a false or a good ruby ..,pachcha raayi = a mock or a proper emarald....,itike raayi = a brick...,gaaju or vanta raayi = is the proper name for counterfile ,as applied to precious stones ..,aaku raayi = a file..
Raaladam = to fall from a height
Raavadam = to come ..,to arrive , to happen ..
raavi chettu = the tree to which the hindoos are supposed to pay particular devotion ,on the idea that their gods are attached to it..
Raashi = a heap , a pile..,raashi also means a sign of the zodiac..

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