Thursday 14 April 2011


Vanta cheruku = the general name givent to fuel or firing
Vandadam = cooking food
Vanthu ,paalu = a share , a portion ,..,it also means a turn in gradation or period
Vanthena = a bridge
Vampu = a bend or curve
Vyakthi = a person..,vyakthigathamaina = personal..,vyakthithvam = personality ..,charector..
Vyavasaayam = a cultivation ,agriculture ,..,vyavasaayam also means the cultivation or improvement of the mind..
Vyavasthaapana = foundation ..,vyavasthaapakudu = founder
Vyavahaaram ,udyogam = office , business ,management ,direction ,..,
Vayassu = age ,
Vyayam ,kharchu = expense ,disbursement,expenditure
Vyartham = waste..,useless ..
Vara ,ora = a sheath or scabbard..,it also means the earthen rims or rings fixed round what are termed ,pot-wells in india .,vara also means the name of the proof in gold ,as produced on the stone..,kaththi vara = the scabbard of a sword or knife ..noothi varalu = the earthen rims of a well ,vara duyyadam = to draw a sword
Varjyam = a bad time as per hindoo shaasthraas ..,any should not be done in this time..
Varthakam = merchandise ,traffic ..,varthakam cheyyadam = to trade ,to traffic ..,varthakudu = a merchant
Vardhanthi = a ceremony on the day of death
Varnam = caste , colour ,a letter of the alphabet..,varnam also means the name of a particular song amongst hindoos..
Varthamaanam = a message ..,an intimation , a notice .,..,varthamaanam in sanskrit means the present time..varthamaana kaalam = present time..,varthamaana sanghatanalu = current affairs..
Varsham ,vaana = rain,varshaakaalam = the rainy season,commonly termed the monsoon..,varsham kurusthondi = its raining..,vaana chinukulu ,varshapu binduvulu = rain drops..,vaana paata = rain song.

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