Wednesday 2 February 2011


Pukkili = a mouthful ,the inside of the cheeks, something like what is vulgarly termed a quid
Pukkilinchadam = to rinse the mouth.
Puchchakaaya = a water melon...,verri or chedu puchchakaaya = the bitter melon..
Puchchadam = to decay ,to dry up
Puchchina = decayed , worm-eaten
Puchukovadam = to take ,to receive ..
Putta = the name given to hillocks ,formed by ants or by snakes..,paamu putta = a snake's hole or hillock , cheemala putta = an ant-hill.
Puttadam = to be born..,puttina dinam or roju = birth-day.,
Putti = a measurement ,better known by the name of candy.putti is the name of round baskets ,covered with hide ,which are employed in some rivers in india for crossing passengers
Puttuka = a birth
Punyam = virtue ,excellence ..,punyamaina = virtuous ,excellent..
Punahparisheelana = reconsideration,review..
Punahpareeksha = re-exam
Punarudhdharan = renovation..,
Punarniyaamakam = reistation..
Punyaathmudu = a virtuous or good man
Punaadi = foundation ,ground work ,basement
Punaasa = this is the name given to a particular season of the year ,about the months of june and july ,when the smaller grains ,such as pessaloo, guntaloo,corraloo etc are sown...,punaasa panta = the poonassa crop.

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