Thursday 17 February 2011


Biradaa = the name of the peg ,on which the string is tied ,in a musical instrument ,it is also the name of the peg ,put into the wooden bottles ,used by the indians..also in leather vessels..
Biradaavali = the name given to the head of a letter ,in the style of eastern addresses ,in which titles are commonly inserted
Birudu = a title
Bilumakthaa = this is a revenue term signifying a fixed quit rent
Billa = the name given to flat tiles ,placed under the round tiles and also ,for the round tile itself..,billa also a peon's badge..,vodu billa = a name given to the round tiles or pantiles..,palaasthree billa = the flat tile..,billa means also a bump or swelling ,in any part of the body..

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