Thursday 31 March 2016


 Sir, what 1s the difference belween past
simple and past partiCiple
A: Past sample, for example, saW, went, sang
etc., talk about a past action at a definite time.
saw the movie
last night.
Eg: a) I saw the movie last night
b) He met me last night.
*Seen. gone, sung, etc. are past participles.
They are not verbs, and are called V3.

Q: Sir, I heard these sentences but I cant
understand them, please translate in telugu
thank you for coming here and 'saying
few thingS about me"
1nanik you for coming here= My thanks to
you for coming here and Saying few things
Saying almost nothing. The correct sent-
ence perhaps is, saying a few things
Saying a small number of things. Thank
you for coming here and saying a few


1)1 supposed to take an umbrella.
2)I wish, I had taken an umbrella.
3)1 should have taken an umbrella.
A: ) This is a wrong sentence

2)I did not take the umbrella, but it
would have been good, if I had taken the
3) It would have been good if I had taken the
umbrella, but I did not take the umbrella. 

Q: Sir, please tell me the meaning and differ-
ence between these sentences and explain
when to use them.

a) 1 thinkl am wrong.
b) I think I was wrOng
C)I thought 1 am wrong
d)I thought I was WrOng

A: a) I think I am wrong (NOw) (sa
D) I think (NOw) I made a mistake (IN THE
 In the past I was wrong, but only
now I think of it.
c)This sentence 1s WrOng
d) made a mistake in the past, and then itself
I thought l did something wrong. 

Q: Please clarity the diflerence between below
given sentences.

a) he went on board ship.
b) He went by board ship.

A: He went on b0ard the ship -
Correct = He went in / on the
ship. He went by board ship-
Wrong, no sentence like this.

Q: 'My purse and mobile phone
has been stolen. This passive
voice 1s right or wrong? why

A: My purse and mobile phone plural (they),
isn't it? So, it should be, My purse and
mobile' have been stolen.
"My purse and mobile'
have been stolen

Q: Sir, what is the difference between while
and when'? How to use these words?
Please explain with examples.

A: Very little ditference between the two.
However, when you reter to a continuous
action, it S better to use while, and when you
reter to a simple action, when is preferable.
Eg: 1) when he returned home, he found the
door locked. (Both simple actions)
) While others were playing, he was studying
Both continuous actions).

Q: Sir, 1 am more confused about using
would Would yOu please tell the difier-
cnt uses of would with Telugu explana-
A: T am more confused 15 wrong becausec
there is no comparison. 1he right thing to
Say 1s 1 am very confused.
'Would' uses:
) The past fom of will / shall .
* Compare: He says that he will do it (says
present tense, Will do - future from the
He said that he would do it. (said past
tense; would do - future from the past- used
in indirect speech too). 
2) Would expresses a wish that can't be ful-
would he were here ( wish he were
here, but he 1s not here now, an t is hotPos
sible for himto be here NOW 
5) would expresses what cannot happen
If he were here, his mother would be
Dappy (Fie 1s not here noW, so there 18 no
gueston or his mother being happy sd
o das)
4) 'Would' expresses a past habit (in the sense
of 'used to'- 

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