Wednesday 29 December 2010


Thaabandu = a species of petticoat ,chiefly worn by the dancing women and by the raatsa or kshathriya caste and mussulman women of india .it is not uncommon to all other castes.
Thaamara = the ring-worm...., thamara puvvu = the name of a flower that shoots up from the bottom of lakes or tanks, probably the lotus or nymphaea.
Thaamboolam = the whole apparatus of betel..that is the leaf ,the nut , the chunam and the spicery in the manner the indians take it
Thaambelu ,thaabelu =a turtle ,that is the sea turtle.
Thyaagam = a resignation of property..,thyagam cheyadam = to abdicate or renounce
Thaayithu = an amulet , a charm or spell..
Thraana = ability , capacity
Thraasu = small scales , such as apothecaries , money dealers or small sale people use..
Thaaradam = to move about ,in a busy officious manner
Thaara juvva = a rocket , a description of fire works

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