Friday, 3 December 2010


Jagathi ,jagaththu = the world,universe
Jagadam = a quarrel , dispute ..= godava , lolli ,gharshana..
Jatti = handsel
Jattu = an assemblage or body of people..= gumpu
Jada = a plat or plait of the hair ..this word also means the pod in plants , when they have grown in to seed..
Jadipinchadam = to threaten , to frighten, to alarm .
Jadiyadam = to fear..
Jadupu = fear , afraid
Jatha = a pair , a set..
Janam = population or community.., people..
Janumu = the junnam or jute.a plant from which a coarse hemp is made in india ..,janapa nara = the fibres of the junnam of which the hemp is made..
Jankadam = to fear
Jangamam = any moveable article..intlo jangamalu = household articles..
janfgam = a tailor , accepted term from the name of the caste.
janda = a flag,janda eguraveyadam = flag hoisting
Jandem = the string worn by the brahmins or kshathriyas and banians and by other caste..= vadugu
japam = a prayer observed by the brahmins..,japa thavalam = praying beads or rosary..
japthee = sequestration , japthi cheyadam = to sequester
Japthu = cease..,japthu cheyadam = to cease..
Jabba = the arm..
jabbu = disease
jama = a revenue term signifying collections..jama bandi = fixed assesment of the revenue...jama kharchu = account of receipts and disbursements
jamee = a zemindari , properly the ground or land
jemidarudu = zemindar
jayam = success ,advantage ,win
jayanthi = a ceremony on the date of birth after death
jayinchadam = to be successful , to succeed
jaragadam = to act , to do

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