Thursday, 31 March 2016


Q: What is the difference between
assertive sentence and impera-
tive sentence? Please explain.
A: An assertive sentence is just a
statement a sentence which
says something 
Eg: a) The Eenadu is a Telugu
b) Delhi is the capital of India

An imperative sentence is usually an
order, asking something, request, blessing,
Eg: a) Shut the door.
b) Please come in.
c) May God bless you. etc.
Most often the subject of an imperative
sentence is 'you'. Shut the door = You shut
the door. Please come in = You please
Come in.
Q: Which sentence is correct? Please explain
both sentences.
1) When did they play yesterday?
2) When did they play?
A: 1) When did they play yesterday? At
what time did they play yesterday?
2) When did they play? = At what time
did they play (no day mentioned)

Q: Sir, కింది వాక్యాలను తెలుగులో వివరించి, వాటి
మధ్య తేడాలను తెలుపగలరు.
a) Shall go to movie.
b) Will go to movie.
A: These groups of words are not sentences
because... 1) They are meaningless. They
don't have subjects. 2) There must be 'a'
before movie.
Eg://We shall go to a movie - a future
action (not definite) (నేను మేము సిని
మాకు వెళ్తాం - అంత కచ్చితం కాదు..
* He/she/ The class (it) / They will go to
a movie a future action (not definite)
(ఆతడు సినిమాకు వెళ్తాడు / ఆమె ఆ క్లాస్ మొత్తం
సినిమాకు వెళ్తుంది - ఇవి కూడా కచ్చితం కాదు).

Q: The boy used to sit in the shade of the
tree. The tree loved him very / so much.
Which adverb is correct? Give reasons.
A: The tree loved him very much (British) -
The tree loved him so much (American) -
both are correct.

Q: When we change any sentence
(active voice) into passive
voice (or) vice versa. . Is there
any change in the meaning of
the sentence... (mainly sen-
tence containing to && to be)
Please clarify
A: When you change the voice, the
meaning should not change.
O: Please give de
noun phrases with underlines: where is
noun and where is noun phrase in different
tailed explanation about
AxA phrase 1s a group ot words without a
verb. A noun phrase 1s a phrase doing the
work of a noun, that is, the subject ofa sen-
tence, the object of a verb, the object of a
preposiaon, etc.
Be: His going there caused all this trouble.
The subject of this sentence is the phrase
his going there. So it is a noun class.
t1 did not like his going there. Here 'His
going there' is a phrase and object of the
verb 'like' - so it is a noun clause too.
They laughed at his words 'His words' is a
phrase acting as the object of the preposi
tion, at. So it is a noun phrase.
The book, belonging to him, was lying on
the table- belonging to him is a phrase put
in apposition to the noun, the book - so it is
also a noun phrase.
These are the exanples of noun phrases.

: Sir, please explain in which occasion we
will use the following words:
i)Was to be
ii.) Has to be.
iii) Have to be
A:i) Was to be = expected to be. He was to
be there = Somebody expected that he
would be there surely. (Past) 
He has to be = he must be 
l) I/We/ You/ They have to be = 1/ We /
You/ They must be.


Q: Sir, will you please explain the meaning of
the expression?
Nothing Like Anything

A: Nothing ike anything= there is nothing
Like what we are talking about it is
Eg: The movie was superb- nothing like any-
thing = nothing can be compared to the
movie, it was so great.

Q: Sir. please explain the meaning of "Never
Say Never Again" with example.

A: Never say never again: The saying means
nobody can be sure that something never
happens, and that whatever it might be, it
will happen again. So it would be wrong to
say. 'Never say never again'.
That is, nothing is impossible, anything can

Q: Sir. please explain the meanings of the
sentences with "has had to structure. Eg:
The BJP has had to tie up with the TDP for
political reasons. And also the meaning of
That said. we have to respect the sacr
fices of the freedom fighters " with a few
more examples

A: Has had is the present perfect tense of
have', just as Have taken is the present
perfect tense of 'take'.
Has had=(Somebody) has possessed
something till now / has possessed it some
time in the past.
Eg: He has had three cups of coffee so far.
(He has taken three cups of coffee so far
till now)
She has had a diamond necklace (at some-
time in the past- 
She has had coffee just now and doesnt
want any more 

Q: The Hindi and Marathi are different form
of the Sanskrit. Here Hindi, Maraths di
Tenent languages  the
Hindi and the Marathi 

A: We dont use the before the names of lan-
guages ,it is wrong, Correct sentence
Hindi and Marathi are dafferent forms of

0:1 am sure about it nobody has lived in that
house for a hundred years Rere hundred
years is plural 

A: Hundred. thousand, lakh. and crore are
countable singulars (pluralshundreds,
thousands. lakhs, crores), so they must
have.a before them if we talk about one
hundred, one thousand, one lakh, and one

Eg: 152 hundred and tifty two-Wrong. A
hundred and fitty two-Correct.

Q: Sir. please clarify the difference between
the below sentences
i) We had scarcely reached the school
when the bell rang
n) As soon as we reached the school, the
bell rang
A: No difference in meaning between the two
sentences. That meanings are the same.


 Sir, what 1s the difference belween past
simple and past partiCiple
A: Past sample, for example, saW, went, sang
etc., talk about a past action at a definite time.
saw the movie
last night.
Eg: a) I saw the movie last night
b) He met me last night.
*Seen. gone, sung, etc. are past participles.
They are not verbs, and are called V3.

Q: Sir, I heard these sentences but I cant
understand them, please translate in telugu
thank you for coming here and 'saying
few thingS about me"
1nanik you for coming here= My thanks to
you for coming here and Saying few things
Saying almost nothing. The correct sent-
ence perhaps is, saying a few things
Saying a small number of things. Thank
you for coming here and saying a few


1)1 supposed to take an umbrella.
2)I wish, I had taken an umbrella.
3)1 should have taken an umbrella.
A: ) This is a wrong sentence

2)I did not take the umbrella, but it
would have been good, if I had taken the
3) It would have been good if I had taken the
umbrella, but I did not take the umbrella. 

Q: Sir, please tell me the meaning and differ-
ence between these sentences and explain
when to use them.

a) 1 thinkl am wrong.
b) I think I was wrOng
C)I thought 1 am wrong
d)I thought I was WrOng

A: a) I think I am wrong (NOw) (sa
D) I think (NOw) I made a mistake (IN THE
 In the past I was wrong, but only
now I think of it.
c)This sentence 1s WrOng
d) made a mistake in the past, and then itself
I thought l did something wrong. 

Q: Please clarity the diflerence between below
given sentences.

a) he went on board ship.
b) He went by board ship.

A: He went on b0ard the ship -
Correct = He went in / on the
ship. He went by board ship-
Wrong, no sentence like this.

Q: 'My purse and mobile phone
has been stolen. This passive
voice 1s right or wrong? why

A: My purse and mobile phone plural (they),
isn't it? So, it should be, My purse and
mobile' have been stolen.
"My purse and mobile'
have been stolen

Q: Sir, what is the difference between while
and when'? How to use these words?
Please explain with examples.

A: Very little ditference between the two.
However, when you reter to a continuous
action, it S better to use while, and when you
reter to a simple action, when is preferable.
Eg: 1) when he returned home, he found the
door locked. (Both simple actions)
) While others were playing, he was studying
Both continuous actions).

Q: Sir, 1 am more confused about using
would Would yOu please tell the difier-
cnt uses of would with Telugu explana-
A: T am more confused 15 wrong becausec
there is no comparison. 1he right thing to
Say 1s 1 am very confused.
'Would' uses:
) The past fom of will / shall .
* Compare: He says that he will do it (says
present tense, Will do - future from the
He said that he would do it. (said past
tense; would do - future from the past- used
in indirect speech too). 
2) Would expresses a wish that can't be ful-
would he were here ( wish he were
here, but he 1s not here now, an t is hotPos
sible for himto be here NOW 
5) would expresses what cannot happen
If he were here, his mother would be
Dappy (Fie 1s not here noW, so there 18 no
gueston or his mother being happy sd
o das)
4) 'Would' expresses a past habit (in the sense
of 'used to'-